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Here you will find videos from our present and past work.
Stop motion animation, puppets, theatre, storytelling and reviews.
Stop motion animation
La ciudad Gris (The Grey town): The story of a little girl and her teddy stuck in a colourless world. A tale of friendship and adventure.
Music video version of "La ciudad Gris" based on the song "Something good" by The Indigo Blue
A compilation of stop motion animations made by passers by at the Girls that Geek event at MAC, Birmingham, on 10th Feb 2023
A stop motion animation based on a Spanish nursery rhyme about a little boat that can´t sail.
Previous work
"El viaje de Matilde" (Matilde's journey) theatre performance that toured to schools and theatres
Storytelling. The first Christmas. Tales from a washing basket
Film and puppetry
Stories about Matilde and her friends
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